Tuesday, October 30, 2012

First Meeting!

I went to my internship at Ecovative for the first time on Tuesday, October 23 and met my two mentors, Sarah and Courtney.  Both of my mentors have very different jobs.  Sarah is a biologist who works in product production while Courtney is a biochemist and researches for future projects.  I will eventually choose one mentor to work with most after the basic training process based off of what I would like to focus on my final research project.  Throughout my internship, I will learn about the biological and production processes in developing environmental friendly materials as well as design my own product.  

After meeting my two mentors, they took me on a tour of the whole building.  I saw the Research and Development area which included a laboratory full of incubators and shiny machines.  The number of machines was overwhelming but I can’t wait to be able to use them. After the R & D area, I was taken to the production section of the company.  Some of the items that Ecovative had created for companies and consumers were displayed due to a visit from Governor Cuomo, but it allowed me to see the role of this company in the outside world.  Not only was there sustainable mushroom packaging but other items such as candles and shoes.
After seeing and beginning to understand more of what I will work with, I became excited and eager to start.  Next week, I will begin the training process.


  1. Nice blog post Adina. I like your clear expression of ideas and inclusion of many details.

    I am jealous that you saw the new building. I heard about it last year but have yet to view it.

    I heard that Cuomo was recently there. Quite the place to be!!

    Keep up the great work.

  2. Based on our discussion, it sounded like you, though you had only had your first visit, really enjoyed your first day and can not wait to go back. It was really interesting to hear you expand upon what was on display, like the shoes and candles, and how it related to the whole environmentally friendly products made in that company. Based on this blog, I was not clear as to what the internship really was about, but after hearing you clarify my confusion I became even more intrigued and can not wait to see what you accomplish throughout the year.

    1. Nice comment, Christi: engaging, thoughtful and supportive.

  3. You seem very excited about delving more into the topic you internship is covering. Throughout our discussion, I could tell that you were very interested in the different types of materials that can be made using just eco-friendly and biodegradable materials. It is very cool that you will be able to develop your own product based on what interests you the most. In person your excitement came through and I was able to learn a lot more about exactly your internship will entail, for example the use of mushrooms and how to grow them. I hope you have a great time using all of that machinery and creating your own research product.
