Sunday, May 12, 2013

April 23 and 30, College Visit and Last Day :(

April 23, I was unable to make my internship due to a college visit that weekend.  However, I worked on my presentation over the weekend with Caroline.  We sent the presentation to our mentors for review.  The following Wednesday, Caroline was able to get more pictures for our presentation.

April 30 was my last day!  Courtney was unable to make it that day, however I was able to see her once more when she came to watch my presentation with Caroline.  Sarah and I took a few last minute pictures, one of her and a few of some nice, fresh looking mushrooms to replace the dry mushroom pictures.  Then we proceeded to practice my presentation.  We went to the old building to do this.  The old building is now really the engineer's building, so we went by a lot of building projects.
I asked Sarah a bit more about the types of engineers that worked at Ecovative and she told me they were primarily mechanical engineers.  Of course, I had to ask how many were women and not too surprisingly, there were none.  Even for a company such as Ecovative, there are just too few women mechanical engineers.  Sarah did say though, that the type of mechanical engineer they wanted at Ecovative were ones who could easily apply their skills physically.  Most engineers are able to design and build things with programming, but the ones at Ecovative not only programmed but built things themselves.

After practicing the presentation, for which Sarah gave a bunch of good tips, I left with an Ecovative t-shirt!

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