Thursday, May 9, 2013

April 9,

Today was spent helping Sarah with a variety of tasks from making regrind to checking up on mushroom BTTR blocks.  They give me a lot of independents tasks now because I've been fully trained!  Before I left, Sarah encouraged me to apply for the paid summer internship position at Ecovative, which I will most definitely try.
After I finished all the task, we started talking about mushroom topics I could look into more.  One thing we briefly discussed was fungi taxonomy.  I found it interesting how fungi categorization has changed over time.  Fungi classification has been based off of spore prints and physical characteristics, but these methods soon proved ineffective with the discovery of more and more species.  These new species would hold similar but different physical traits so they had to classify species differently.  From my understanding, the phyla are classified by their methods of reproduction.  After that, fungi are classified by morphology, molecular techniques, and several other ways.  However, due to the fact that the classification changed several times, there are mushrooms with several names such as the following example:
click to enlarge
click to enlarge
Agaricus nidiformis 1844
Pleurotus nidfiformis 1887
Omphalotus nidiformis 1994 - current name

Images taken from


  1. You certainly have gotten a lot of training this year! It must feel good to be able to do so many techniques and procedures on your own now :-).

    Good luck with the summer internship - it's a great opportunity to continue learning and thinking like a scientist!

  2. As Ms. Harrison notes, you have developed an impressive collection of skills! Perhaps there is a mycologist inside of you?

    I am pleased, and surprised that you find mushroom taxonomy interesting. Systematics is an important, fascinating, but often overlooked field of science. If you continue on in biology, I would strongly recommend more studies.

    Glad to learn that you have a summer opportunity! Students who have done this in the past have greatly enjoyed the experience. See Alex S. for some feedback.
